What is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing?
What is Digital Marketing
In the last 16 years there has been a lot of change in marketing around the world. With the growing technology, increasing bandwidths and growing mobile devices have completely changed our lifestyle and shopping and purchasing habits. Digital marketing is the name given to the marketing process of a firm or brand in the digital environment. Today's newest and most developable marketing method is Digital Marketing. Unlike radio, television, newspapers and physical panels, digital marketing methods that are in contact with consumers using more interactive methods are constantly being updated with innovative approaches.
Digital marketing; print media, radio, television and billboards, using mobile and other interactive channels on the Internet. Also called Interactive marketing, online marketing, e-marketing and web marketing. Digital marketing is always on the right path to the right place and at the right time to connect; on the internet.

Where is digital marketing used?

  • On internet sites  
  • On blog posts  
  • In E-Books and technical dictionarie
  • Infographics
  • Interactive vehiclesSocial media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram etc.)
  • Scored online coverage (PR, social media and reviews) 
  • Online brochures and textbooks  
  • Brand assets (logos, fonts, etc.) 

What are digital marketing techniques?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is a process of optimizing your website so that it appears in higher ranking in the search engine result pages. It increases the amount of organic (free, natural) traffic your website receives.

Content Marketing

Creating brand awareness, increasing traffic, building leads, or creating and promoting content to create customers.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing refers to the funnel approach to attracting, converting, closing, and enjoying your content using online content.

Social Media Marketing

Increasing brand awareness is the right way to increase traffic and create potential customers for your business.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

It is the advertising channels that you can pay for your ad at a cost per click. As an example of the most used channels for this, we can give an example of Google Adwords

Mail Marketing

Mail marketing is a different way of communicating with your customers. It is often used to promote content, discounts and activities; It also allows you to direct consumers to your business website.

Online PR Studies

It is the name given to the brand awareness studies that are obtained with digital publications, blogs and other content based websites (eg BuzzFeed etc.). 

What are the Key Benefits of Digital Marketing?

In contrast to many offline marketing methods, enabling marketers to see the right results in real time. To give an example; you can not measure how many consumers have seen the advertisement you have given to a newspaper, and what% of consumers see it. There is also no definite way to know if this ad is responsible for any sales.

On the other hand, you can measure and measure the ROI of almost every aspect of your digital marketing and marketing efforts and analyze the success of your advertising.

Translated from netvent.com 


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